Child Student Policy
School Fees
School fees are invoiced twice a semester during spring and fall, once at the beginning and once halfway through the semester. The summer semester is invoiced once at the beginning of the semester.
An admin fee of $70 is included on the first invoice of each spring and fall semester.
Fees are due by the first lesson of the invoiced term.
Fees are assessed for the entire term of the spring and fall invoices and cannot be amended to reduce the number of lessons or classes during a semester.
Parent Expectations
Arrive/set up 5 minutes before the lesson. Use the time to prepare, ready the instrument and bow, and review your week's practice.
Keep cell phone use to a minimum. If you use your phone to take notes in the lesson, set it to silent or airplane mode to avoid distractions.
Be present for the lesson so that you have an understanding of the material and can replicate it during practice. Take notes or make recordings to help you practice with your child.
Help your child get into a practice routine of a minimum of 5 days a week.
Student Expectations
Be respectful and cooperative during the lesson.
Practice for a minimum of 5 days a week, complete all practice goals and listen to the Suzuki CD.
Bring your instrument and Suzuki materials to every lesson
Scheduling, Re-scheduling, and Cancellations
Lessons are scheduled at a regular weekly day and time agreed upon between the student and Songbird Rising.
If you cannot make your scheduled lesson time and would like a chance to reschedule, please give as much notice as possible. If notice is given less than 48 hours in advance, rescheduling will not be possible.
If Songbird Rising cancels a lesson, a makeup lesson will be offered at a time convenient to everyone involved.
Makeup lessons are not guaranteed.
There are NO refunds for ‘no shows’ or lessons canceled by the student.
In the event of a weather event that prevents in-person lessons, lessons will be held online.
Summer Scheduling
A minimum of four lessons is required during the summer semester.
If you know you will be late for your lesson, please send a quick text message to let your teacher know.
Studio Recitals & Events
There is a spring and fall solo recital and a Winter Concert.
Additional performance opportunities and events are spread throughout the year.
Photography Model Release
I authorize Songbird Rising Suzuki School to use any images that contain my child's likeness for marketing, archiving, and any other lawful purpose online and in print.